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“They say what lies past castle walls

Are sisters light and dark,

One just and true to people’s calls

The other lands her mark.”


My daughters, born from a miracle and brought to us by fate, how I wish I could counsel you as I once had. Fate is as merciful as she is cruel for what I had envisioned of you two is not what will come to pass. I had watched you grow, detached from your peers it was as if you both lived in your own separate world. When I could spare time, we wandered through the gardens and basked in the sun, brushing your hair as you both made crowns of flowers enough for an army. My jewels, I will always love you. I was your support when you needed a shoulder to cry on, arms to hold you, or a safe place to store a secret… but your other mother, oh how your both adored her.


The Queen of Roses, not for her flowers but for what she meant to her people; promise and hope, where others can turn to look for new beginnings. When you were with her, she brought out the best in you, things I could not see. My beloved Idreil, so loyal and kind, what was believed to be recklessness was a fearless drive to protect your sister and those smaller than you from harm even if it meant you were injured. When you were presented your first practice sword, you would have thought the Queen had put the sun in your eyes, your love turned to reverence that day. My sweet Aveil, thoughtful and wise, we found it endearing when you would poke your nose into our business, clutching your mothers’ dress with such a serious demeanor. Though shy, you were never hesitant to speak your mind for you saw injustices among the castle we were unaware of. The Queen gave you power far beyond physical one day for she gave you access to the Scholars Library, all you could ever dream to know was within your grasp.


But one day…. That day

Years later in the midst of Autumn the Queen, your mother and my dear wife, was murdered, and there was nothing we could do to stop it. We were all one step too short and a moment too late. I was now Queen and war was at our doorstep. Her love was what held us together and I would not let her loss divide us, I knew you were hurting and I longed to be your comfort but I had a kingdom to rule.  I would hear it in whispers through the halls… you both fought over the cause of her death, later turning on each other. It tore at my heart that you should quarrel. Though you both avoided each other, you also could not let the same fate befall me thus I put an end to your dancing, I surmised a plan and I hope that to this day you do not hate me for the paths I pushed you towards and solidified.


Idreil, my stalwart Right, Hand of the Queen.

Aveil the Cunning, Aveil the Wise, Aveil my Left.

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