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The Journey

It has been so long since I was myself. Truly myself. Sometimes I forget, are these memories mine or are they hers? Years and seconds blend together, thoughts become the wind and my mind is set adrift. But, in times of silence, I remember. Our ideals are so similar that we could never truly forget. I was born in a small village in Igashi, to parent's whose faces I can never place. Browns, reds, the most vibrant of reds... they are like smoke to me now. The sun kissed our skin and the wind was always comforting, never allowing us to freeze in the darkest of nights.


I was born to be a warrior, an honor among our people. People often mistake violence for glory but what the elders look for is heart, the will to put yourself in front of others and face danger knowing that you have something precious to protect. They foresaw a blessing upon us from a time long forgotten, and they saw our demise.


Deep within the canyons I played, straying further than anyone would have liked, and not once did I ever feel as though I were in danger. The wind played with my hair and danced with the shadows until one day the rock face began to crumble. I dropped to the floor and held on for dear life, and when the rumbling stopped, before me stood a cave. I was entranced, whispers from within surrounded me and drew me inside. There, I could not believe my eyes, obelisks of gold adorned with jewels surrounded the chamber walls. Sculptured frescoes reached out from the domed ceilings and a great pyre stood at the head.


Painting adorned the walls, depicting a creature among mortals so divine it almost seemed to glow wherever it was depicted. It became my safe-haven, every week I would light the pyre and share treasures of my own. Shells from the far coast, fruits from the neighboring oasis city, silks hand crafted by myself, and jewelry passed down to me by my mothers. Every visit I was washed with a sense of calm, time having no meaning while I was there. Those days were perfect. Until they came. 

The night was ablaze with fire, hulking beasts tore through villages and towns, cutting through like our towers were made of paper. Halion soldiers evacuated as many as they could but something about them screamed insincere and the beasts... the beasts were in anguish, rage unlike any I have ever felt swept over me and I knew, I had to run to the temple. I felt as though I were flying, my feet never seeming to touch the ground. Broken bodies scattered the descent into the canyon and I knew it was in danger.  An angry bellow tore through the entrance and though my skin crawled at the sound I entered. 

The stench of death permeated the air and before me loomed a hulking beast. Painting were scratched, pillars broken, gold seemingly piled near the entrance and I knew whatever caused these ancient spirits to awaken, it had to do with the Halion forces. I tried to speak as I normally did but it was too enraged, I was batted away as though I were nothing more than a fly. If I was to calm this beast, I had to prove myself.



The battle seemed to go on for an Age, no attack seemed to harm the beast and no dance could enthrall it. I felt myself growing weaker but I knew I had to keep fighting. I felt connected to it in a way that I didn't feel with the others, almost as if I knew it...her. After a heavy blow I lay on the ground, struggling to find the strength to rise once more.

"This isn't you. I know you! You've shared your thoughts, your feelings! My dreams are your memories,

you miss the light, you miss the people. You were a friend to us and always shall be.

If you take my life now, you are no better than the beasts that run amok and the soldiers that defiled your temple. Please, I just want my people to be safe."


The air grew scorching, chills wracked my body as the beast drew near but it seemed almost hesitant, staring at me but not seeing.

"I have felt you, long ago. You come back. You always return."

An exhale.

"These creatures, they slaughter the others. They take what is ours and leave you to rot. 

Help me defeat them. Help me calm my brethren

and in turn, I will help yours."

I could only nod in reply. The temple grew still and in a

moment a blinding light enveloped me, light seared

through my eyes and I felt my bones shift, my very being

felt as though it was being torn apart and put back, as

though my body were no longer my own. Ink seeped

down and colored my tattoos, I felt stronger, lighter.

In the end, I was alone, but not. I felt her, Nahazo, in

my own consciousness. The mists dissipated and with 

my newfound clarity I knew what I had to do, what

our purpose was.

As we emerged, the world felt different, skeletons littered

the ground covered by a fine layer of soil. roars and

screeches drift with the wind end echo from the canyon

depths. we searched for survivors, set up defenses around

villages still standing and calmed some Divines, pledging

to protect the people until the true evil comes to heel. They

were in need of a master warrior, a Fighter, to train future

soldiers in a delusional war. We were in need of information,

to take down the problem from the inside and we were the

person to do so. 

I set off West, calming those in need on my journey and 

making a new name for myself. Gyona had died that day

not physically, but in memory. From her, Gyazo was born.

As I stood now watching the latest batch of recruits file in,

one in particular caught my eye. We felt them, that they

could be trusted like Gyona was trusted. It would take time,

it would take so much time but we knew, they were the

ripple that would cause the wave. They just had to see.

The gilded beasts were the leaders of Halion, not the

glittering temples of Divines lost. I will guide them, I 

will not allow them to corrupt. I will do all I can but the rest is up to them. They must realize than not everything is as it seems. One day you will know the truth and we pray you will see reason. 

We would hate to be the end of you.

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