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"Beware the gilded beasts who promise the world. Their silvered words will twist your mind and hubris will kill us all."

                                -Prophet Aelon of Vanteia

The world could not begin to compare to the sheer might of the Dual Continents. Halion, home to incomprehensible technological advancements and the brightest of alchemists. Castabia, a place of warmth and myth birthing the the fiercest of warriors and mages. Together they were unstoppable.

Now, the rift between the two seems wider than the sea, nothing could have prepared either side for the bloodiest war of the Age.

Horrific beasts and gods once divine plague and ravage the now barren countries of Castabia, aching to sink their claws into the fertile soils of Halion. Those who have fled to the West must combine forces to rid the evil gnawing at their coast and win back their home.

Though, nothing really is as it seems...

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